Respect Of Authority Honors God
I admired David when he had opportunities to take out King Saul but spared his life. It didn't matter that King Saul was hot on his trail wanting to murder him in a fit of unjust, power trip induced rage. To David, God anointed Saul as king so he is not ever going to touch him.
It took me a while to understand David's perspective. In my rebellious youth, no one in authority was safe from my irreverence.
The Bible, though, was quite clear about it. Romans 13 is good reading on this. One verse that helped turn my viewpoint around said that those who rule hold no terror for those who do right but for those who do wrong. (Romans 13:3)
That was really wise! It actually frees the believer from fear of the one who is in authority. Do what is right and he gives you recognition.
But doing right did not seem to save David from King Saul's violence. Correct. But to David, obedience to God was more important than King Saul's character.
"When the people of Jabesh Gilead heard of what the Philistines had done to Saul, all their valiant men journeyed through the night to Beth Shan. They took down the bodies of Saul and his sons from the wall of Beth Shan and went to Jabesh, where they burned them. Then they took their bones and buried them under a tamarisk tree at Jabesh, and they fasted seven days." (1 Samuel 31:11-13)
A king has been disrespected in death. His loyal men deemed it worth risking their lives to retrieve him, give him proper burial and grieve over him.
Respect for authority is fitting for the man of God. The character of the person in authority is immaterial. It is obedience to God that counts the most. This is what God expects of His followers regarding higher authorities on earth.
Holy Spirit, please enable me to be humble before rulers and authorities so I may honor Jesus with my obedience to Him. It is in His Name that I pray. Amen.
April 25, 2007 entry to the personal handwritten journal I use in my quiet time with God.
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