Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Democracy, Judges and Justice

Praise be to you, Father!

I pray indeed that the news about Democratic Senators supposedly not planning to filibuster Alberto Gonzales' nomination as replacement to Attorney General John Ashcroft will prove true.

I pray, LORD, that sense prevail over the Democratic Senators and that they do their duty to participate in the rightful straight up or down vote all Presidential nominees deserve.

If you are willing, LORD, expose the small minority of partisan Democratic Senators who abuse their advisory role in confirming Presidential nominees. Expose how they trample upon the centuries old Senate tradition of confirming nominees who receive the support of a majority of Senators. How ironic it is that they call themselves "Democrats" when they ignore the doctrine of majority rule.

Father, if they remain stiff-necked in their selfish partisanship in complete disregard of the moral future of the nation, please remove them from their positions.

I continue to pray, dear God, that you root out all the immoral and the ungodly from among our political leaders, from Washington DC down to the humblest county, and from among our justices and judges, educators, journalists and the media. I pray that you replace them all with the God-ly and the morally upright.

In Jesus' Mighty Name, I ask it, LORD. Amen.