Monday, January 17, 2005

A Day Of Mixed Feelings

Dear LORD, I mourn today over the news about a family in New Jersey that were brutally slain in their own home. It is still unconfirmed, LORD, what the motive might be but "religious reasons" is among those being mentioned.

I am sad, Father, because the victims carry your name in their faith. That makes them a part of your kingdom, members of our family. I grieve over their unfortunate demise, whatever the motive might have been. I pray that you cause the perpetrators, whoever they may be, to be found and brought to justice.

I also grieve, LORD, over the suffering of your people in general. You did not deny in your Word that we may not be exempt from trouble as we walk with you in this life. Still, it is difficult to understand why people could hate your Name and all that is associated with you when you teach us to love and pray for everyone---including our enemies. You send us to seek them out so that we may share with them your love. So that we might live together with you forever in heaven.

I grieve also, Father, when your own, who call themselves by your Name, would also seek revenge. In Romans, you said that it is not for us to take vengeance. That we are to leave that completely up to you.

I pray that you will bring comfort to those in grief. Extend to us, Father, the peace of Jesus Christ. The peace that is beyond human understanding. Please, shelter your children in the shadow of your mighty wings.

Still, on another note, I praise you, LORD, for how you shielded us from the treacherous weather. The chill of winter has frozen our streets. I rejoice in you even more as your worship team members braved the elements and resolved to practice just the same last Saturday in faith that we will yet gather in the morning to worship you. What a committed bunch of believers these are that you have blessed me with in this worship band! How awesome is your masterful work in each of their lives!!

I also rejoice even more as you have led my wife and I to visit afterwards this dear eighty-some sister in Christ who lives by herself. It was her birthday. She was visibly blessed.

To be precise, LORD, we came to bless her in your Name. Somehow, though, when we left, we felt as though we were all the more blessed than she. Surely, you are true to your teaching that you smile upon simple acts of kindness such as this. You did say in your Word that what we do to such as these, it is as good as we have done it to you.

How should I take this day, LORD? Grief and rejoicing. I believe you prescribed the answer in your Word: "Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!" (Philippians 4:4)

I pray you enable me to be true.

In Jesus' Mighty Name, I ask it, LORD. Amen.