Friday, January 21, 2005

Everywhere, There And Here

Oh, my Father, how about that son of yours, George W. Bush! Leave it to him to start his second term as US President on a right footing---with a prayer! I praise you, LORD, for the testimony of this fine brother.

Thank you also for making available now in US media commentaries that tend to seek the positive for our country. Thank you for loosening somewhat the stranglehold of so-called "progressives" (or is the label "regressives" more appropriate?) on US media. Take for instance John Gibson's observation on a couple of lines in the President's inaugural address. I thank you for its candor in behalf of the President and the USA.

Bringing things a little closer to home, LORD, thank you for Neil Cavuto's article on Billy Crystal. It's good to be reminded, dear God, to be mindful of those we love. You set the example, LORD. You said in your Word that you will never leave us nor forsake us. It behooves us to to do the same to those we hold dear. Time flits by. Life is brittle. We may never have the time if we delay. Enable us to follow your lead, dear God.

Even closer to home, Father, won't you please look after this sister of mine in Christ? Her name is Jennie Logsdon Martin. She has Marfan Syndrome. She could really use your healing touch. She runs this great website called It's one of the most popular among sportsmen in the West Coast. In it, she posts a running account of her life with Marfan and her love of fishing, life and your Creation. She loves you and mentions her faith in you a lot.

Jennie nearly died recently, LORD, because she had an aortic dissection. It happens a lot to those with Marfan. Their heart and blood vessels could literally fall apart because their connective tissues are very fragile. Right now, she is confined to a wheel chair because the aortic dissection led to less blood flowing to her legs. She has a few medical decisions to make, Father, but she desires very much to walk again and be close to the river and her dogs and cat and nature that she loves so much. With you, dear God, no sickness is impossible to heal. Won't you please grant her desire to walk and fish again? I thank you because I can count on your faithfulness.

Now, to really bring you home. Last night, Father, my wife told me that she received the earnest money paid in advance by the person buying our store. Tears welled in her eyes as she told me how she prayed to you for wisdom on this decision and how the buyer arrived just shortly after.

Please, comfort my wife, Father. We see how you are affirming your call on us to move on to the new window you are opening. Your purpose in bringing us to the store must be done. This chapter in our great adventure with you is ending.

Help me to be supportive of my wife. She, more than any of us, put in the most time and labor lovingly to the store, knowing that it was your beckoning that led us there. Quite a few came to know the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and God through contacts made at the store. Even more came to know about our church and stayed in fellowship with us afterwards.

The store is her baby. While she understands that you give, and you take away, she will still have to work on detaching herself from something that has grown close to her heart already. Please bless her obedience to your calling.

All of these things I bring to your attention today, dear God, knowing you will work on each one as you deem best according to your purposes and for my good.

In Jesus' Mighty Name, I ask it, LORD. Amen.