Tuesday, January 18, 2005

World Tsunami

What a tumultuous world we are living in, LORD.

We have hardly recovered from the devastation left behind by the South Asia tsunami. This news item will continue to fill the airwaves for many weeks to come.

Right here in our United States, we have freezing rain and storms and floodings and landslides and tornadoes.

Then there's Iraq, Afghanistan, the Sudan, Iran, North Korea. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The United Nations itself faces questions on corruption charges on the supposed Oil-For-Food scandal.

This is not to mention thorny issues everywhere that seek resolution but just never seem to go away.

Michael Newdow continues in his effort to impose his will on the overwhelming majority of Americans by seeking the aid of the US Supreme Court in preventing prayer from being included in the Presidential Inauguration. I pray that you do not allow him to prevail, Father.

Then, you do a little bit of reading and you see bits of information that are rather disturbing. You see an influential news outlet spinning its reporting on its interview with no less than the US President to suit its pro-Left agenda. You see educators embroiled in political activism instead of fostering knowledge to the academe. You see a double-talking political figure still intent on partisanship rather than honestly being a public servant looking after the good of the nation, not his party. You see a so-called clergyman who attaches the title "Reverend" to his name yet is more known for preaching the tenets of abortion rather than the Word of God.

Good news hardly make it to our consciousness because news people think they don't sell. So, in order to be considered newsworthy, they have to carry a sense of struggle in them. Take for instance Norma McCorvey, the "Jane Roe" in the Roe v Wade court decision that legalized abortion. She is now asking the high court to vacate its 1973 ruling. She is now my Christian sister, LORD. Thank you for saving her! Please, grant your favor on her quest to right what has been a long-standing wrong.

Well, dear LORD, your Word does teach that man is totally depraved and that sin rendered this once perfect world accursed. While these facts from your Word offer little comfort, they do explain the rising crescendo of disturbing occurrences around us.

Oh, for my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to return already and bring order to this rebellious world!

In the meantime, I shall find refuge in the privilege of entering your throne room freely. By prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, I shall make known my requests to you, Father. Philippians 4:6-7 teaches that in this way, your peace will guard my heart and my mind in Christ Jesus.

Here is my prayer: Dear God, please root out all the ungodly and the immoral from among our political leaders, judges and justices, educators, journalists and the media. Please replace them all with the God-ly and the morally upright. Renew our land. Bring spiritual revival to your Church and the people of this land. Thank you because I can count on your faithfulness. Flow through this land until every man praises your Name once more!

In Jesus' Mighty Name, I ask it, LORD. Amen.