Monday, January 31, 2005

All Glory To You, Father

I would have liked very much to follow developments in Iraq this weekend, LORD, but you and I were busy working in a different vineyard.

It is so good to wake up to good news. Neil Cavuto places great perspective to the successful Election Day in Iraq in what he wrote today.

Indeed, the little guy triumphed. Indeed, our men and women and many Iraqi men and women deserve to be called brave. Their sacrifices COUNT for the good.

I pray, Father, that the estimate of Falah al-Naqib, Iraq's Interior Minister, that in 18 months our troops may be able to come home will prove true.

Here in the home front, I thank you that even though Howard Dean remains a strong contender in the race for Democratic National Committee chairman, Donnie Fowler is mounting a good challenge.

This reflects, LORD, the Democratic Party members' desire to move away from the far left and move at least toward the center. I pray you prosper this desire, dear God.

Still, I pray, LORD, that you enable the American citizenry to see through the cosmetic nature of these changes in this party. They essentially represent the same immoral and ungodly agenda. They have simply sugarcoated it and attached it to popular issues like healthcare and the Constitution.

Thank you, Father, for answering the prayers of my brothers and sisters in my behalf this weekend.

Let all glory and honor and praises be yours, Father.

In Jesus' Mighty Name, I ask it, LORD. Amen.