Friday, April 15, 2005

One More Time Around The Blogs--This Week

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Eric at Evangelical Underground is quite busy with the new TnTalks! forum. Stop by and check things out. It's lively in there.

Tim Challies reviews the book, "A Shepherd Looks At Psalm 23" at There seems to be a fine tuning of the focus when seen from the perspective of a shepherd, the same as David was when he authored the psalm.

Milton Stanley, Sr. at Transforming Sermons invites us to look into the Praying for Justice series in Keith Smith's under the acacias site. His Number 6 in the series challenges the reader to think of what the LORD requires of each of us.

You'll find more links at Dory's Wittenberg Gate that make for even more great reading. She points us also to this week's Christian Carnival which is hosted at Another Think. Pay it a visit. We're also asked to check out Nick Queen's New Blog Showcase. Give the featured new blogs a cheer.

Enjoy stinging satire as Ed Heckman features A Living Will for the Living at The Greatest Pursuits. To quote him,

It used to be that you needed a living will to tell the doctors, family and courts when to stop trying to keep us alive when we were dying. How the heck has our country gone a full 180 to the point where we need a living will to tell those same people (especially the courts!) to not murder us if we become disabled?

J.A. Gillmartin over at The SHEEP's Crib features what he calls an Alliance Clambake on the judicial filibuster at the US Senate. It's his link roll of SoCal Alliance bloggers' posts on the subject. Good read.

More on the same subject, Rooftop Media Works at rooftop blog posts Faith, Frist and Filibuster. It tells of a telecast on what is being called Justice Sunday. It will contend that opposition to judicial nominees by Senate Democrats is essentially opposition to faith and faith-based moral values. The telecast is being sponsored by Family Research Council. FRC President Tony Perkins says in a website message:

"As the liberal, anti-Christian dogma of the left has been repudiated in almost every recent election, the courts have become the last great bastion for liberalism. For years activist courts, aided by liberal interest groups like the A.C.L.U., have been quietly working under the veil of the judiciary, like thieves in the night, to rob us of our Christian heritage and our religious freedoms."

I have been to Amy's Humble Musing's new site before. The site sports greater excellence in its looks and the posts remain engaging and intimate.

Ron Stewart at northern 'bubs blog shares the first poem he wrote to his wife as he takes a short break from his work on the Ephesians 5:25 husband. Very insightful on the idea of love as a choice as opposed to falling in and out of it.

Mike Bennett over at theJesusfreak has a great post on former ACLU lawyer Rees Lloyd who had turned from "the dark side." A quote from Lloyd,

Manifestly, there is a need for Americans, the "We the People" of the Declaration of Independence, to stop acting as sheep before lawyers sitting as judges who are usurping the powers of the legislative and executive branches, and are sucking freedom and democracy from our republican form of government."

Brad Todd of Fundamentally Right has a powerful commentary on communism and the ACLU. Find out why they are really birds of the same feather.

Look for Why I Am NOT "Anti-Abortion" in Byron's a ticking time blog. Expose the media bias that allows the pro-abortionists to call themselves "pro-choice" but does not allow the same right to those that call themselves "pro-life" and insists on labeling them "anti-abortion."

Espresso Roast has moved here. David Price writes on A Parental Vacuum in light of recent high profile violence against young girls.

Katie Kilcrease at Cognitively Dissonant laments the Synod Council of the ELCA's recommendation that the Churchwide Assembly vote on a resolution which provides for exceptions to allow the ordination and the rostering of people in committed homosexual relationships. She is saddened to witness her church's implosion.

Eleanor of Some Random Thoughts shares some very important lessons learned last summer.

Knock yourselves out.

God bless you.