Monday, April 11, 2005

Kingdom Concerns--This Week: The Fight For A Righteous America

The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) is in the thick of the push to end judicial filibusters in the US Senate. To quote from the ACLJ's Petition To End Judicial Filibusters:

The use of a filibuster to block judicial nominees is not only wrong, but unconstitutional. The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) has been working with members of the Senate and is now urging Senate leadership to implement a rules change and eliminate the use of the judicial filibuster.

Add your name here to those who have already signed using the Internet.

Listen to ACLJ's Chief Counsel Jay Sekulow as he discusses the rights of elementary students as far as distributing religious literature.

Prison Fellowship's Breakpoint Commentary page tackles the evangelicals' newfound zeal to protect the environment in an article titled, "Save The Humans." It calls for a much more moderated, balanced perspective as opposed to the radicalism in the environmental movement where extremists place trees above human lives. To quote from the commentary:

...for the long run, evangelicals have got to be the ones that mediate, always remembering that we are stewards of all of God’s creation. And the supreme act of His creation is human beings. It will do us little good to keep the Arctic Circle pristine if it’s at the cost of America being driven to her knees by Middle-Eastern oil traders. It does little good to preserve the Brazilian rain forest if the cost is millions of Brazilians living in shacks on sub-standard wages.

Still at Prison Fellowship, the wonderful story of the Texas Teen that surprised prisoners' children with bikes for Christmas.

Meanwhile, the pundits tripped all over themselves writing about what they think is the moral of the story in Terri Schiavo's tragic death. They think it is to make sure to have your end-of-life wishes in writing. Wrong. Quoting from the editor's note on Focus on the Family's Boundless Webzine page:

The real moral requires far more insight, maturity, responsibility and faith: be sure of whom you marry.

Read the rest of it in Mark Hartwig's If I End Up Like Terri: An Open Letter To My Wife.

The Alliance Defense Fund website features the Kansas voters' overwhelming proclamation: "Do Not Mess With Marriage." Kansas voters overwhelmingly adopted a state constitutional amendment Tuesday which defines marriage as the union of one man and one woman only. Seventy percent of voters who went to the polls cast their ballots in favor of the amendment while only 29 percent voted against it.

Promote a federal constitutional amendment on marriage. Check out Liberty Counsel's Action Items.

The American Family Association presents the Christian Educators Association International (CEAI) as alternative to the left-wing NEA. Read up and find out more for the sake of the future citizenry of this great nation.

Above all, pray.

If my people, who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

We humble ourselves, indeed, Father. We repent of our sins. Forgive us, dear God. Enable us, O Holy Spirit, to walk a righteous path with Jesus. Bless our generation with the sight of our Father in heaven flowing through this land while every man praises his Name.

In Jesus' Mighty Name, we pray. Amen.