Sunday, April 17, 2005

More Great New Blogs

 Posted by Hello

Don't let this week slip by without visiting the featured new blogs at Nick's Out of the Wilderness Showcase #9.

Sonspot has an interesting post on papyrus scraps bearing long-lost words by the literary giants of Greece and Rome which scientists are beginning to read better through infra-red technology. According to Sonspot, they even believe they are likely to find lost Christian gospels, the originals of which were written around the time of the earliest books of the New Testament.

Look for his posts, though, highlighting best comments made at other blogs on April 15, 2005. He shares two exellent comments, one on the notion that heaven is boring because all we will do there is worship God, and the other the need to be patient as the need to set up the assault on the judicial filibuster proceeds at what to some seems too slow and discouraging a pace.

Meanwhile, The Scriptorium is also an exellent blog that provides the Christian point of view on current events. Look for posts on the Christian talk show host fired over a question on the Pope, the embarassing release of one million aliens amid proceedings, some with dangerous criminal records, and how the ACLU is aiding illegal entry into the US.

These two are keepers. Let them know.

God bless you.