How About Them "Values" Voters, Huh?
Here's one event the MSM will not mention to you or, if they ever do, will bury somewhere in the back pages of their fishwrap, er, papers.
There's a nice story about it posted today at the website of The Washington Times titled 'Values voters' call for congressional action by Julia Duin. It reports about the "War on Christians and the Values Voters in 2006" conference held yesterday at the Omni Shoreham Hotel. In this summit of evangelical Christians and conservative Catholic and Jewish activists, a "Values Voters' Contract with Congress" was produced. It outlines what the religious minded expect of their elected representatives.
It brings to mind the Republican Party's 1994 "Contract with America." The "Values Voters' Contract" enumerated ten aims, from legislation to keep the words "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance to laws that guarantee greater religious freedoms in the workplace.
Here's a quote:
…Jeff Ballabon of the New York-based Center for Jewish Values said today's culture wars "aren't just a war on Christians."Read the whole story...
"This is a war on America, a war on God and a war on all believers," he said.
"Our battle," said Rabbi Aryeh Spero, president of Caucus for America, "is the battle of the ages, and that's of great import. We are aligned with Elijah, with Jesus and with Moses."
Hat tip:
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