Friday, March 24, 2006

For The Sake Of Our National Security

I'm off with my son to a weekend church retreat. Was so busy with the preps, I'm just compelled to blog very lightly.

Here's one though that should be good reading. Over at David, as usual, a great post titled, Bush Fighting Back.

A notable quote:
In his appearances the president has been providing a substantive refutation of the critics' charges, including their lies about his "lies" on WMD and the NSA surveillance program.

That's important, but it is even more critical that the people have an opportunity to observe his demeanor. They can assess by the tone of his voice and the expression on his face whether he is a man of integrity.
Read the rest of the column...

I like David Limbaugh. There is an easy flow to his column. And I like that he takes his time. You may not see him posting everyday but whenever he does, it is almost always must reading.

Catch you all later.

God bless you.