Friday, May 27, 2005

A Liberal Sees The Light

In today's feature on the Prison Fellowship website's Christian worldview page, Breakpoint, Chuck Colson comments on a new book by Gil Reavill titled, Smut: A Sex-Industry Insider (and Concerned Father) Says Enough is Enough.

Gil Reavill, describes himself as a “provocateur,” a “staunch believer in the First Amendment” and a “member of the American Civil Liberties Union”—someone who opposes “any element of government control of human expression.” Yet, reading from his book, one might mistake him for Jim Dobson or Colson himself.

Here is how the commentary opens:
According to a new book, we have failed our children because we haven’t fulfilled “our function as guardians of their cultural environment.” The “American media’s obsession with sex,” says the author, “has gotten so out of hand” that “even the provocateurs are being provoked.”

Curious how this liberal turned around? Here's the rest of the commentary.

Colson correctly points out that Reavill's continued opposition to, as he puts it, “government control of human expression” makes a solution difficult. Reavill wants a return to “segregating sexual expression from the public commons” while forgetting that what made such "segregation" possible was a strong moral code which sadly has all but disappeared in today's society. Other than a strong sense of right and wrong in the populace, what is there left but criminal prosecution and civil sanctions to keep pornographers from shoving their trash in the faces of our children?

Go here for more information.