Monday, May 16, 2005

The Newsweek Stab In The Back

 Posted by Hello

Need I restate what has already been so eloquently expressed all over blogdom? Read for yourself here, here, here, there, and everywhere.

I've heard it mouthed by the press so many times when they are hard in pursuit of a story: "Because the public should know." What a noble cause if it were not only something for the mouth to say. What an honorable thing to go after if it were not only a smokescreen to get to a story to outdo the competition. Good if it were only the competition. When "Because the public should know" becomes a cover to sabotage the "ideological enemy" even at the cost of integrity and, worse, lives, one is just left stunned at the thought of how much lower these so-called professionals are capable of sinking.

Have we forsaken nation, compatriots--not to mention concern over the impact of what we do to diplomacy, the economy and the eventual daily life of every citizen--in the name of our politics and our publishing house?

May God have mercy on us all.