Saturday, April 23, 2005

Which Judges?

Which judges are out to rob Christians of their heritage? That is religious McCarthyism. Perkins should name them, provide evidence of their attempted theft of "our Christian heritage" or retract that statement with an apology. Don't count on that happening.

The question and comments were made by Chris Colbert in today's column in the Washington Post titled, "Hijacking Christianity." (Read the original article.)

Excerpts of the article were quoted in the Free Republic. Here's how some readers responded:

To: kristinn

Which judges are out to rob Christians of their heritage? "

uh, maybe that Judge who told another Judge to demolish his ten commandments display ???

Or the Judge who decided "under God" has to be taken out of the pledge?

Or the Judge who forbade a valedictorian to quote scripture at her graduation ceremony?

... those judges, maybe ???

To: kristinn
Which judges are out to rob Christians of their heritage?

Oh gee. Let's see..... How about:

* The 'judges' of the 9th Circus (that was an easy one)
* Or the Federal 'judge' in San Diego who ruled that the Boy Scouts were a religious organization and then banned them from that Park they had previously maintained for decades at NO cost to the locals.
* Or the Massachusetts 'judges' who ruled in favor of the homo agenda contrary to the will of the people
* And all the 'judges' who've ruled a Crucifix can't be worn in school.
* The 'judges' who've ruled that religious organizations MUST HIRE gays, even it it violates their religious beliefs.

And in the latest example of Judicial Activism, a Cook County IL 'judge' ruled yesterday that IL Pharmacists MUST fill prescriptions birth control pills and especially for the morning after pill, EVEN if it violates their religion - or they'll face fines and imprisonment.

To: kristinn
There is no way to Hijack something that is free to all.We Christians just accept it. When we accept it we then know right from wrong. That is why we are called the right...Right?

We then stand for what we feel the Bible teaches..Right?

To: kristinn
File this under: Good they still don't get it.

The Washington Peauxst continues to alienate a significant segment of potential subscribers.

God's Truth is marching on.


...the judges who order homosexual marriage be legalized...

To: kristinn
Proving the point that the religious are considered somehow less than acceptable members of American society.

Evidently they would prefer us to be seen and not heard.

Read the Free Republic post and comments...

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