Monday, March 14, 2005

Kingdom Concerns--This Week

Time may be running out. You can help save Terri Schiavo. Read these important action items. Follow the links in this page for the CitizenLink Action Center and more information. Add your name to the American Center for Law and Justice Petition to Save Terri Schiavo's Life.

In California, attorneys with the Alliance Defense Fund say they will appeal today’s decision by California Superior Court Judge Richard Kramer to declare the state’s marriage laws unconstitutional. Read the rest of the story...

Liberty Counsel lists action items to promote a Federal Constitutional Amendment on Marriage. Help preserve marriage as the union of one man and one woman.

The communist nation of North Korea once again tops a list of countries where Christians are persecuted for their faith. Saudi Arabia again held the second spot on the list, followed by Vietnam, Laos, and Iran. Five of the top ten nations on the list are dominated by Islam, ccording to the 2005 "World Watch List" as compiled by Open Doors USA. The ministry notes that Islamic countries are becoming increasingly hostile to Christianity. Read the details...

Above all, please pray. Pray for God's intervention. After all, it is evil that insidiously persists in expanding the smog of lies to crowd out the light of the truth of God. Evil pursues death. God's truth is life.

Terri Schiavo's case is but a symptom. Something in the underlying conscience of the nation desperately needs healing that only God's hand could provide.

Same sex marriage ultimately pursues the corruption of the nation's future citizenry by poisoning the minds of the nation's young. The devil knows that God's kingdom belongs to such as these. What better way to usher in the death of a great nation than by twisting the moral fiber of its youth.

And around the world, who better to partner with in murdering and muzzling believers than despots and thugs in oppressive totalitarian regimes.

I pray LORD for your forgiveness and mercy. Prevail, O LORD. Chase evil from our land.

Bring comfort to our brothers and sisters around the world. Sustain them with your grace. Honor their faithfulness. May their sacrifice result in the ever widening ripples of your Kingdom's expansion.

In Jesus' Mighty Name, I pray. Amen.