Monday, April 03, 2006

Liberalism, A Mental Disorder

I wish I could have come up with the title myself but no, it's not my original. It is the title of today's post, Liberalism As A Mental Disorder by Klaus Rohrich at the website.

Rohrich is responding to a thinly-populated (some 100 subjects) study by Jack Block, professor emeritus at the University of California at Berkeley (aha!), entitled "Nursery school personality and political orientation two decades later" recently published in the Journal of Research in Personality.

Observing how those who have taken on a liberal ideology do not miss every chance to present themselves as being, as he puts it, "the chosen," and explaining the difficulty that---as Block finds---"indecisive, vacillating, shy, fearful, easily victimized and anxious" conservatives have in taking them, Rohric points to inherent contradictions in liberalism :
…liberals tend to ask people to do as they say not as they do. Barbra Streisand is really concerned about the environment, but that doesn’t stop her from taking a gas-guzzling, fume-spewing private jet anywhere she may want to... Bill Clinton proclaims that the Dubai Ports World deal would threaten the security of the United States, but doesn’t tell anyone that Dubai Ports World has hired him as a lobbyist to make the deal work.
There's plenty more of these nuggets where they came from...
