Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Take That! ...Uh-Oh

Showdown in Guinea Bissau.

Mission Network News’ posted this neat bit of news on April 24, 2006. It opens:
Guinea Bissau (MNN) -- Guinea Bissau is a place of intense spiritual battles. Where Christian work expands, the enemy tries to oppose.

Recently, more than 50 shaman (religious leaders in animism) placed a curse on Bible translation and Christian work there. The shaman's plan backfired, and instead of the believers getting sick and dying, the shaman began to get sick and die.

Wycliffe Associates' Bruce Smith says the power of Truth has made people much more responsive to the Gospel.
Read the whole story. It's titled, Bible translation by nationals is moving forward dramatically.

Nothing like an Old Testament-style showdown to buoy the efforts of Wycliffe Bible Translators in Guinea Bissau.