Wednesday, April 27, 2005

The Talkers vs The Doers

Dr. Walter E. Williams in his column, A Minority View, posted this commentary at the website today around 1:00 AM ET.

He made references to "The Greatest Century That Ever Was: 25 Miraculous Trends of the Past 100 Years", a 1999 article authored by Stephen Moore and the late Julian L. Simon and published by the Washington-based Cato Institute:

Let's highlight some of the phenomenal progress Americans made during the 20th century.

During that century, life expectancy rose from 47 to 77 years of age. Deaths from infectious diseases fell from 700 to 50 per 100,000 of the population. Major killer diseases such as tuberculosis, polio, typhoid fever and whooping cough were virtually eliminated. Infant mortality plummeted.

The 20th century saw unprecedented material gains as well...

Read the rest of the article...