Friday, April 29, 2005

Childish and Incoherent

Over at Powerline blog, John H. Hinderaker calls top Democrat Harry Reid's response to Bill Frist's offer of a compromise on judicial nominations, as reported by the Washington Times, childish and incoherent.

Mr. Hinderaker's post today opens this way:

As we noted yesterday, Bill Frist's offer of a compromise on judicial nominations was a statesmanlike effort. It was scrupulously fair to both parties, constrained the majority just as it would the minority--more, really, since absent the compromise, the majority, Republican or Democrat, would always have the Constitutional option at its disposal--and effectuated the principle, endorsed by an overwhelming majority of Americans of both parties, that all judicial nominees should be voted on.

Read the rest of the post...

Read also Mr. Hinderaker's post yesterday commenting on Bill Frist's offer...

The Times seems to read Bill Frist's speech as to suggest that Priscilla Owen is the nominee whose case will be used to break the filibuster.